Honey Bee Hive Maintenance
Owning honey bee hives is a responsibility. Meeting a variety of needs from new beekeepers to the seasoned, PachaMama Bees offers maintance, consulting, and lessons. We are glad to manage, inspect, or treat hives for you, or work side-by-side in your hives, providing the assistance and any training you need.
PachaMama Bees is registered with the Texas A&M Apiary Inspection and our lead beekeeper is part of the Texas A&M Master Beekeeper Program and the University of Florida Master Beekeeper Program. Quality care is our top priority.
Hourly Help
If you are just getting started or would like to have a professional check what’s going on in your hives, contact us for hourly help.
Our rate is $80 per hour on site. A trip fee may apply. We are glad to come out to perform a full hive inspection or maintenance such as treatment, requeening, and splits.
Hive Inspection Checklist
The most rewarding feeling comes from when you’ve done it yourself.
Download PachaMama’s practical, free hive inspection checklist to guide you along.
And, pick up the phone and call us for a free consultation if you have questions.